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Natural Microblading Artist & Educator



Microblading is a tattooing technique in which a small handheld tool made of several tiny needles is used to add semi-permanent pigment to the skin.

So how long does it last? Depending on your skin type and care, the pigment will fade slowly over 18-24 months. This timeframe is reduced for more oily skin types.

Does it hurt? The service can be a little uncomfortable for those who are more sensitive. However, there is an numbing can be used to keep this to a minimum.

Please read the 'POLICY' page to check that this treatment is suitable for you before booking in, deposits are non-refundable once booked.

Results will vary based on health conditions, medication, lifestyle and skin types. For more information please email me!

View availability and book your appointment here.

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Microblading Training
HD Brows
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What training options do you offer? We offer a 3 Day Basic Microblading option for aspiring Microblading Artists, you don't need to have experience in beauty to start as we can help you achieve this. We also offer a Microblading Masterclass for qualified artists looking to level up their technique. You can view full info on our training options here

When are the next training dates? Please contact us for the latest training dates, we can accommodate to when you're free for both Basic and Masterclass options.

Lip Blush

Lip blushing is a semi permanent tattoo, usually natural in colour that is applied to the lips. It can restore lost colour due to aging, filler treatments or enhance your natural shape.

How long does it last?

Lip blushing is considered a semi-permanent procedure, which means you’ll need to repeat the process every 2-3 years to maintain your results. The exact duration of the results depends on various factors such as your skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare .

Does it hurt?

Everyone's pain tolerance is different, however numbing is used during the procedure to minimise discomfort.

Please read the 'POLICY' page to check that this treatment is suitable for you before booking in, deposits are non-refundable once booked.

Results will vary based on health conditions, medication, lifestyle and skin types. For more information please email me!

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For more information please contact on the following email addresses:
Address: Our clinic can be difficult to find, please follow the satnav to the address below, once arrived we are located through the black gates in the white building behind Owens Builders.
Clinic Address:

323-327 Swinton Hall Rd, Swinton, Pendlebury, Manchester M27 4DX
Accessibility: There is road parking available outside Owens Builders, please do not drive down the entry. The clinic also has steep stairs for access.
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